Produkt zum Begriff Organizational-And-Social-Perspectives:
Sociology: Global and Southern African Perspectives
Understand modern sociology in contextSociology: Global and Southern African Perspectives, 1st edition, is based on Macionis' Sociology 17th edition and provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the discipline and its distinctive way of looking at the social world.The book considers the context in which it emerges, discussing classical sociological theories as well as decolonial theories with a focus on the Global South and southern African applications. by so doing, theories that are relevant for teaching and learning in South African higher education institutions and beyond are underlined to provide a balanced and comprehensive approach to sociology in this context.With the wide range of learning features this book has to offer, it is ideal for university students of sociology.
Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 € -
International Social Work and Social Movements
International Social Work and Social Movements , Historically and to the present day, social work has been closely intertwined with social movements, both as allies and in opposition to them. This engagement finds its expression in conventions (human rights), cooperation (world conferences) and coalitions (NGOs). This textbook offers an insight into the connections between social movements and social work from an international perspective, teaching their historical and theoretical foundations and illustrating them in a practical way with case studies from around the world. It aims to bring the perspectives of a 'global social work profession and discipline', and thus the international and political dimensions of social work, back to the forefront of the discipline. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 29.00 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Social and Environmental Accounting and Reporting
Accountability, Social Responsibility and Sustainability addresses the broad and complicated interactions between organisational life, civil society, markets, inequality and environmental degradation through the lenses of accounting, accountability, responsibility and sustainability. Placing the way in which organisations are controlled and the metrics by which they are run at the heart of the analysis, this text also explores how this system opposes the very concerns of societal well-being and environmental stewardship that form the basis of civilised society. Gray, Adams and Owen offer an in-depth and nuanced guide to this theory, recognising the crucial role played by scholars and practitioners in approaching these central tensions. The theory is extensively supported by analysis of developments in practice and in a real-world context. Aimed principally at undergraduate and postgraduate Accounting students, Accountability, Social Responsibility and Sustainability will prove invaluable to any student, teacher or practitioner with an interest in the central role accounting, finance, accountability, CSR and sustainability play in the future of society and the planet. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Understanding and Managing Organizational Behviour Global Edition
For one-semester, undergraduate/graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior.This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.Vivid examples, thought-provoking activities—get students engaged in OB. George/Jones uses real-world examples, thought- and discussion-provoking learning activities to help students become more engaged in what they are learning. This text also provides the most contemporary and up-to-date account of the changing issues involved in managing people in organizations.The sixth edition features new cases, material addressing the economic crisis, and expanded coverage of ethics and workplace diversity. Accompanied by mymanagementlab!See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion–be a rock star in the classroom. mymanagementlab makes it easier for you to rock the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources. Visit for more information.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist ein IT-Spezialist der Polizei?
Ein IT-Spezialist der Polizei ist ein Experte für Informationstechnologie, der in der Polizeiabteilung arbeitet. Seine Aufgabe besteht darin, die IT-Infrastruktur der Polizei zu verwalten, Netzwerke und Systeme zu warten und sicherzustellen, dass die technischen Anforderungen für die polizeiliche Arbeit erfüllt sind. Darüber hinaus kann er auch bei der digitalen Forensik und der Untersuchung von Cyberkriminalität unterstützen.
1. What are some common characteristics of a class in a societal context? 2. How do classes and social hierarchies impact the distribution of resources and opportunities in a society?
1. Common characteristics of a class in a societal context include income level, occupation, education level, and social status. 2. Classes and social hierarchies impact the distribution of resources and opportunities by determining who has access to wealth, power, and privilege. 3. This can lead to inequalities in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, and social mobility, perpetuating a cycle of advantage for those in higher classes and disadvantage for those in lower classes.
Wie kann man Spezialist in einem bestimmten Bereich werden? Was sind die wichtigsten Fähigkeiten, die ein Spezialist haben sollte?
Um Spezialist in einem bestimmten Bereich zu werden, sollte man sich intensiv mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen, fortlaufend lernen und praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Wichtige Fähigkeiten für einen Spezialisten sind Expertenwissen, analytisches Denkvermögen und die Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme zu lösen. Zudem ist es wichtig, kommunikativ zu sein, um sein Wissen und seine Expertise mit anderen teilen zu können.
Wie kann man Daten aus einer PHP-Datenbank ausgeben?
Um Daten aus einer PHP-Datenbank auszugeben, kann man eine SQL-Abfrage verwenden, um die gewünschten Daten aus der Datenbank abzurufen. Anschließend kann man die abgerufenen Daten in einer Schleife durchlaufen und sie auf der Webseite ausgeben, zum Beispiel mit Hilfe von HTML-Tags oder durch Verwendung von PHP-Funktionen wie echo.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Organizational-And-Social-Perspectives:
Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, Global Edition
For one-semester, undergraduate/graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior.This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.Vivid examples, thought-provoking activities—get students engaged in OB. George/Jones uses real-world examples, thought- and discussion-provoking learning activities to help students become more engaged in what they are learning. This text also provides the most contemporary and up-to-date account of the changing issues involved in managing people in organizations.The sixth edition features new cases, material addressing the economic crisis, and expanded coverage of ethics and workplace diversity. Accompanied by mymanagementlab!See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion–be a rock star in the classroom. mymanagementlab makes it easier for you to rock the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources. Visit for more information.
Preis: 87.53 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Organizational Theory, Design and Change, Global Edition
For undergraduate and graduate courses in Organization Theory, Organizational Design, and Organizational Change/Development. Business is changing at break-neck speed so managers must be increasingly active in reorganising their firms to gain a competitive edge. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change continues to provide students with the most up-to-date and contemporary treatment of the way managers attempt to increase organisational effectiveness. By making organisational change the centerpiece in a discussion of organisational theory and design, this text stands apart from other books on the market. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Foundation For Humane And Social Link
Preis: 176 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Organizational Behaviour
Develop a critical understanding of organizational behaviour Ranked as one of the top 10 most influential texts in business and management in the world According to the Financial Times' Teaching Power Rankings 2021 (research by Open Syllabus) Organizational Behaviour, 11th Edition, by Buchanan and Huczynski offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. This market-leading textbook blends social science principles with critical thinking tools, drawing clear connections between theory and practice. The popular text explores how organizations influence our views and actions, and how we can explain the behaviour of people within these organizations. Drawing from personal experiences, this definitive textbook encourages you to engage with the concept of organizations in society besides your standard academic resources. Fully updated to reflect recent cutting-edge research, modern working practices and topical issues The new edition covers topics including: Power inequalities Equality, inclusion, diversity considerations Going green how investment and insurance companies encourage environmental responsibility Code switching adjusting language, personality, behaviour, and appearance to fit in Hybrid working impacts on home-based workers and relationships with office-based colleagues Are female leaders more effective in a crisis? lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic 2020 Beirut Explosion how did that happen, and was it a management problem? Offshoring, onshoring, reshoring, nearshoring, friend-shoring the future of globalization Socially responsible investment Cultural differences in understanding body language Teamwork old and new how groups in organizations have changed Workplace hazing how common are the unofficial practices of initiating newcomers with degrading behaviour?
Preis: 76.4 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Aufgaben umfasst die Datenbankadministration und wie können Datenbankadministratoren die Leistung und Sicherheit einer Datenbank verbessern?
Die Aufgaben der Datenbankadministration umfassen die Installation, Konfiguration, Überwachung und Wartung von Datenbanken. Datenbankadministratoren können die Leistung und Sicherheit einer Datenbank verbessern, indem sie regelmäßige Backups durchführen, Indizes optimieren und Sicherheitsrichtlinien implementieren. Außerdem können sie die Hardware und Software der Datenbank regelmäßig überwachen und bei Bedarf aktualisieren.
Kann ein IT-Spezialist den Safari-Verlauf eines iPhone 6s wiederherstellen?
Ja, ein IT-Spezialist kann den Safari-Verlauf eines iPhone 6s wiederherstellen. Dazu müsste er jedoch Zugriff auf das Gerät haben und spezielle Tools oder Software verwenden, um die gelöschten Daten wiederherzustellen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass dies möglicherweise nicht immer erfolgreich ist, da gelöschte Daten möglicherweise überschrieben oder anderweitig beschädigt wurden.
Ist der Gutschein-Spezialist sicher? Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit?
Es ist schwierig, eine allgemeine Aussage über die Sicherheit des Gutschein-Spezialisten zu treffen, da dies von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängt. Es ist ratsam, Bewertungen und Erfahrungen anderer Kunden zu lesen, um eine bessere Vorstellung von der Zuverlässigkeit des Anbieters zu bekommen. Es ist auch wichtig, die Geschäftsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinien des Unternehmens zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass persönliche Daten geschützt sind.
Welche Vorteile bietet eine dezentrale Datenbank im Vergleich zu einer zentralisierten Datenbank?
Eine dezentrale Datenbank bietet eine höhere Ausfallsicherheit, da keine einzelne Instanz das gesamte System beeinträchtigen kann. Zudem ermöglicht sie eine bessere Skalierbarkeit, da Daten auf mehrere Knoten verteilt werden können. Darüber hinaus bietet eine dezentrale Datenbank mehr Datenschutz, da die Daten nicht an einem zentralen Ort gespeichert sind.
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